13 Jan 2025 News

Marja Sannikka, Annastiina Heikkilä, and Ossi Kurki-Suonio join Miltton

Miltton establishes a new top-level team focused on risk management and preparedness communication.


The leading Nordic consulting firm Miltton strengthens its position in the field of strategic stakeholder relations and preparedness by recruiting Marja Sannikka and Annastiina Heikkilä as leading experts and Ossi Kurki-Suonio as an expert. Sannikka is known for her work as a reporter and host of A-Studio, while Heikkilä has had a long career as Yle’s correspondent in France. Ossi Kurki-Suonio has 15 years of experience in journalism covering politics, economics, and capital markets, and he has served as Kauppalehti’s correspondent in Stockholm. 

The recruitments are part of Miltton’s broader development plan, aiming to build an internationally operating unit for risk management, preparedness, and crisis communication. The new team will leverage both Miltton’s extensive expertise and the new opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. Previously, the company announced plans to establish an international AI laboratory in collaboration with its new board member, Silo AI founder Tero Ojanperä.

“The traditional dynamics of crisis communication have changed. Managing and handling risks require a broad understanding of capital markets, geopolitics, responsibility, media, and societal relations. The solid expertise of Ossi, Annastiina, and Marja, combined with Miltton’s extensive expertise and the opportunities opened up by technologies, strengthens our ability to provide help and solutions to clients in an increasingly complex operating environment,” says Kaius Niemi, Deputy CEO of Miltton Group.

Both Sannikka, Heikkilä, and Kurki-Suonio are versatile professionals in communication, journalism, and media relations. They have exceptionally strong expertise in socially significant topics, interviews, critical journalism, and handling difficult subjects in an understandable way.

“Strategic preparedness and crisis communication are constantly evolving, and traditional methods are no longer sufficient. At Miltton, I can combine my extensive communication experience on societal issues with the latest technological tools. We aim to provide Miltton’s clients with even deeper support in complex and globally impactful situations. This is a professionally wonderful opportunity,” says Marja Sannikka.

Strategic preparedness and crisis communication have been a growing part of Miltton’s service offering. Now, the company’s goal is to challenge the traditional field of crisis communication and develop the entire industry in a new direction. Sannikka and Heikkilä will work in their new roles with Miltton’s strategic communication, geopolitics, responsibility, and AI experts, depending on clients’ situations and needs.

“Factors related to responsibility and global supply chains are increasingly behind companies’ reputation risks. Anticipating and managing them is based on speed, expertise, and the ability to see the big picture: through media, politics, the economy, and responsibility. Our role is to help our clients prepare for risks and rise from crises – and to use the latest AI technology in situation assessments,” says Kaius Niemi, Deputy CEO of Miltton Group.

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